Saturday, June 26, 2010

GYAN unleashed !!

Somebody intrigued me to unleash "gyan" from my so called mouth..and I started thinking to write..

Gyan is "geometric yoga around noise". Doing this transforms an animal to a human being and a super human a simple human being..haha amazed or upset?..the mirror opposite of this is Nayg which expands to "Noise around yogic geometry" which is defined as the cacophonic disturbances surrounding a geometric figure apt for performing yogic postures.

What I wrote above I don't know. This was the result of someone asking me Gyan!!

I haven't got the appetite more to puzzle myself more or make my readers baffle around this and think that this guy has gone CRAZY!!

~ harry.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

definately u r making ur readers baffle around this-